To clear the Redis cache from the command line, you can use the `FLUSHALL` command. Here's how:

1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
2. Connect to your Redis server using the `redis-cli` command. If Redis is running on the default port (6379) on localhost, you can simply type:


If your Redis server is running on a different host or port, you can specify the host and port like this:

redis-cli -h your_redis_host -p your_redis_port

3. Once you're connected to the Redis server, simply type the following command to clear the entire cache:


4. After executing this command, Redis will remove all the keys from the currently selected database.

Please be cautious while using the `FLUSHALL` command because it will remove all keys from all databases in the Redis instance. If you want to clear only the keys in a specific database, you can use the `FLUSHDB` command followed by the database number:

FLUSHDB [database number]

Replace `[database number]` with the number of the database you want to clear. The default database number is 0.

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